• EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027685

The EcoPodcasts Platform (PR3) - go.ecopodcasts.eu

The EcoPodcasts project will develop a platform suitable for use by the school community, creating a safe online environment where teachers and students can interact and discuss issues and concerns about environmental pollution and ways to combat climate change. It will serve as an additional educational tool available to teachers, offering a variety of opportunities to actually apply important dimensions of the EcoPodcasts project, while teachers and students will enhance their digital skills as they explore and use the platform's digital environment.

More specifically, the EcoPodcasts Platform will include presentation spaces for both the podcasts developed by teachers and students under the EcoPodcasts project, as well as other podcasts related to environmental pollution and climate change that the partners and teachers involved in the implementation of the project find interesting. It will also include all the resources developed during the EcoPodcasts project, as well as offer the teacher the possibility to upload any other educational resource they want related to environmental pollution. Consequently, there will be a wealth of lesson plans and teaching resources. Finally, the platform will include discussion rooms to discuss topics related to environmental care.

It is extremely important to mention that the use of this platform will be carried out with the utmost care, creating a safe environment for everyone. The teachers responsible for the use of the platform will be the Node Champions, who will initially be the teachers from the EcoPodcasts project partner schools, and then the consortium will be able to integrate other teachers who wish to become part of the EcoPodcasts community.




  • EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027685