• EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027685

A Pool of EcoPodcasts Resources (PR4)

The EcoPodcasts project will develop a pool of resources on exploring issues related to environmental pollution, as well as practical educational activities to take action to combat climate change, always at school education level, without this being a deterrent to using educational resources and activities in any other educational context. Consequently, the project partners will develop a collection of existing and new educational resources aimed at caring for the environment, covering all phases of enabling children to take action, from understanding relevant issues, to taking real action capable of achieving a multiplier positive impact on the wider society, making school the focus and facilitator of positive change.

The educational resources will include activities that will be developed in two directions and combined into a pool of EcoPodcasts resources. First, existing educational activities and resources related to educating students on climate change issues will be collected, and then teachers from partner schools will develop their own innovative and up-to-date educational activities and resources based on their own experience in order to achieve a realistic impact on school education on climate change issues.


  • EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027685