• EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027685



We are delighted to present to you the latest edition of our Erasmus+ project newsletter, dedicated to our journey into the field of education through the Power of Podcasts.

Over the past 3 years, we have explored the potential of podcasts in education, promoting creativity, collaboration and communication between students and educators. This project has been a remarkable experience and we're excited to share our achievements and expertise with you in this closing Newsletter.

We hope you enjoy this latest edition and continue to participate in the wonderful world of educational podcasts. Together, we have created a legacy that will inspire future educational projects and innovations.

The EcoPodcasts Team             

EcoPodcasts Originals Geo Milev

The EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project is currently being piloted by the partner schools and/or their selected collaborating educational institutions. 

Check out the podcasts produced by the students and teachers of Geo Milev in Bulgaria! You'll find interesting topics developed by the students, such as Air Pollution, Sustainability and Recycling and Waste Disposal.

This and other podcasts in english are now available at https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/podcast/  - have a listen and let us know what you think! 

Stay tuned as the students' podcasts are currently developed, and join the Network!

https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/  & 

Well done! EcoPodcasts Multiplier Event in Greece

On the 21st of May 2024 the greek Multiplier Event of the EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project took place at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki!

Over forty people ranging from faculty members and teachers to students, parents and community members participated in the Multiplier Event. As special guests students from the 1st Primary School of Alexandria visited the university and took part in the event.

At the beginning, the Ecopodcasts Project was presented in a general context. All the Project Results were presented as well to show, what the Consortium was able to achieve in the three years the project lasted. The heart of the Event was the exploration of the website and Platform. All participants had the opportunity to learn from the skilled EcoPodcasts team from Greece. At the end, the students from the 1st Primary School of Alexandria presented their experiences gained from the project, as well as their own podcasts that you can find on the Platform: https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/.





All in all it was a great Event and we are confident that the guests could get a comprehensive insight of the full implementation of the EcoPodcasts project!

Well done! EcoPodcasts Multiplier Event in Italy

The EcoPodcasts Multiplier Event organised by the University of Salento in Italy on the 21st of May 2024 was a big success! 14 different entities, including eight school and six natoinal and international entities. These included among others the National Biodiversity Future Center, the Eco-museum of reclamation of Frigole, and RI-ERIC LifeWatch.

The morning started with a warm welcome from Prof. Ludovico Valli (Director of DiSTeBA _ University of Salento) and Prof. Valeria Specchia (National Biodiversity Future Centre and Delegate for Erasmus Programme and International Cooperation of University of Salento - DiSTeBA). After a presentation of the EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project from Prof. Maurizio Pinna, the creation and use of the thematic resources and implemantation of the platform go.ecopodcasts.eu was presented by Dr. Roberto Massaro from the EcoPodcasts Team. This was followed by a short description of the use of the platform ecopodcasts.eu by Dr. Armando Cazzetta and a presentation of Prof. Alberto Basset about the Podcasts of LifeWatch. To conclude the theoretical part of the Event, Prof. Elisabetta Marulli, Prof. Davide Grossi and Prof. Tommaso Mandrisi shared their experiences with schools.

The highlight of the Multiplier Event took part in the afternoon, when Dr. Francesca Marcucci, Dr. Marco Rainò and Dr. Francesco Zangaro took the students on a guideed tour of the Lagoon Aquatina and the adjacent habitats. Afterwards, Dr. Ernesto Mola, Director of the “Eco-museum Frigole reclamation“, and Dr. Giuliana Rollo, President of CUFRILL (Frigole, Lecce), gave a lecture about the "History of the reclamation of Frigole (Lecce)" followed by a discussion with the students.




Many thanks to Prof. Maurizio Pinna, Dr. Francesca Marcucci, Dr. Ing. Armando Cazzetta, Dr. Roberto Massaro and Dr. Francesco Zangaro for organizing this wonderful event!





EcoPodcasts Originals Italy

Discover the podcasts produced by the students and teachers of the “Giovanni Calò” State Technical and Economic Institute of Franceville Fontana (BR) and the Liceo Scientifico e Linguistico Statale “A. Vallone” of Galatina (LE) in Italy in collaboration with the project partner University of Salento.

You will find interesting topics developed by students I.T.E. Calo', such as "Pollution of the marine and coastal environment caused by the excessive use of plastic" dedicated to how to commit to using less plastic, a pollutant that dominates our beaches and seas, causing damage to the fish that live there and to us who feed on them.

The EcoPodcasts Originals form the A. Vallone include topics such as "Visit the Natura 2000 Acquatina Frigole Network Site" dedicated to the issues of conservation, sustainability and value of the natural environments they are visiting and "touching first-hand" at the Acquatina di Frigole Basin (Lecce).

This and other podcasts in Italian are now available at https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/podcast/- listen and let us know what you think!

Stay tuned as student podcasts are currently being developed and join the Network!
 https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/ & http://www.ecopodcasts.eu

Well done! EcoPodcasts Multiplier Event in Portugal

The Ecopodcasts Multiplier Event in Portugal, on May 3rd, 2024, was focused on promoting environmental awareness and sustainability through podcasting. The event was an important platform for sharing knowledge, strategies and experiences related to environmental education and defence with the school's teachers.

The project was presented by the teachers involved in piloting the EcoPodcasts Project within the school. The exploration of the EcoPodcasts platform generated a lot of interest among the audience of teachers.


Participants had the opportunity to see the work carried out by 1st cycle students in the area of the environment, by teacher Luisa Granjo, and 3rd cycle students in the area of citizenship, by teacher Sonia Barreiras.  The results of the work with secondary school students were presented by teachers Fatima Cerqueira and Sergio Martins.

The event succeeded in raising awareness of the importance of environmental education through digital media by presenting the EcoPodcasts project.

It was a great Event and we are confident that the guests could get a comprehensive insight of the full implementation of the EcoPodcasts project!

Well done! EcoPodcasts Multiplier Event in Austria


In collaboration with the pilot school in Austria, BG/BRG Lichtenfels Graz, REACH Innovation organised the EcoPodcast Multiplier Event in Austria on the 25th of April 2024.




It was a great afternoon. The school headmaster, Niko Holzafpfel, led the event. REACH presented the results of the EcoPodcasts project and the public was able to experience the interaction with the school through the explanation of the implementation by teacher Daniel Truppe. Students Emy and Rosa presented their podcast live and told the audience about their experience of making a podcast. Teacher Sandra Pisú told us about the school's current sustainability.




The importance of community involvement was demonstrated through presentations by Ronald Kloss (ÖKOPROFIT), Zeynep Agram-Ramoner (City of Graz) and Christoph Steffen (Green Theater Graz). Christoph Heher Educational Podaster presented different podcasts produced by his students and emphasised, through the examples given, the importance of naturalness and technical aspects in podcast production.





We are very proud of the Austrian EcoPodcasts Multiplier Event and are confident that the guests could get a comprehensive insight of the full implementation of the EcoPodcasts project.

Save the date! Multiplier Event in Portugal


The EcoPodcasts consortium is pleased to announce the next multiplier event in Portugal. This meeting is scheduled for May 3rd at the Agrupamento de Ecolas Camilo Castelo Branco. At this event, our partner AECCB will provide details about the EcoPodcasts project specifically for educators in the Agrupamento de Escolas. Participants will be introduced to the EcoPodcasts platform and will be able to familiarize themselves with the resources it contains. They will also gain insights from teachers who have implemented and used the platform with their students. Don't forget to check out the agenda for this exciting event!

Check the agenda!


EcoPodcasts Originals Portugal

Our partner school in Portugal, AECCB, takes us on a botanical journey in their latest series of Ecopodcasts: "Green Talks".  Here you'll hear dialogues between unlikely but fascinating characters - the spontaneous and endemic plants of Parque Devesa, an urban park in Vila nova de Famalicãoin northern Portugal. The students explore the rich biodiversity of this urban oasis through creativity and environmental inspiration.

They are already available at https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/podcast/  - have a listen and let us know what you think! 

Stay tuned for the upcoming podcasts and join the Network!


Save the date! Multiplier Event in Austria

On the 25 of April 2024 the REACH Innovation togethter with BG/BRG Lichtenfels  invites educators to join the EcoPodcasts Multiplier Event in Austria: EcoPodcasts: Empowering Schools with Environmental Awareness Podcasting.

The project has been piloted in Austria at BG/BRG Lichtenfels. The teachers involved will tell us about their experience of working with students using the platform and about the ecological awareness initiatives taking place at the school. The students, in turn, will present their experience of developing their podcasts.
Teachers will have the opportunity to learn more about the EcoPodcasts Platform and the Resource Pool it offers.
Event participation is free. 

Check the agenda!

Well done! EcoPodcasts Multiplier Event in Malta


The International Integrity Foundation Malta organised a very successful multiplier event for the EcoPodcasts project in Malta! With the collaboration of Malta's education professionals, Anamaria from the EcoPodcasts team organised the event with great success. Congratulations, IIF!

We, as the EcoPodcasts team, would also like to thank the great collaboration of Digital Literacy at SFCE, the #EcoPodcasts #Malta Champions Roberta Trapani Maggi, Patrick Camilleri, Benji Le Brun, Sandra Portelli, as well as the other educators from St Paul's Missionary College, The Archbishop's Minor Seminary and MG2i - MCAST Gateway to Industry Green Transition Hub Malta who piloted the Toolbox project with students of various ages in formal and informal education settings. Thank you!

The EcoPodcasts Training Podcasts Series

 The EcoPodcasts team has produced an original podcast series designed to support students throughout their podcast production journey. This work conducted by the University of Macedonia, aims to provide comprehensive training and guidance for aspiring podcasters.
The Training Podcasts Series consists of eight informative and engaging episodes:

  • Introduction to Podcasting Technology: An overview of the essential tools and technologies needed to start podcasting.
  • Recording Your First Podcast: Step-by-step instructions on how to record your first episode, from setting up equipment to capturing high-quality audio.
  • Editing and Producing Your Podcast: A guide to the editing process, including software recommendations and tips for creating a polished final product.
  • Advanced Tips and Troubleshooting: Expert advice on overcoming usual challenges and improving podcast quality.
  • The Art of Storytelling: Techniques for crafting compelling narratives that captivate your audience.
  • Creating Inspirational Stories: Insights on developing motivational and engaging content.
  • Interviewing Techniques: Best practices for conducting interviews that are informative and enjoyable for listeners.
  • Practical Interviewing: Hands-on tips for managing interviews, from preparation to post-production.

This guidance series is a valuable resource for students, providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to produce high-quality podcasts. By combining technical instruction with creative insights, the EcoPodcasts team aims to inspire the next generation of podcasters and enhance their storytelling capabilities.                                   

  • EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027685